Invoicing Add-on

    • Lyric Payton
      # il y a 3 années et 3 mois


      I am requesting a refund as the invoicing product is responsive on the mobile or desktop version (safari). When the customer goes to my invoice on their mobile device it does not populate.
      I’ve tried fixing the container, tried 10 different themes and it still only works on google chrome.
    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 3 années et 3 mois


      What do you mean by

      it does not populate.

      Could you please show some screenshots or provide a subscriber account so that we can see this issue live?


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    • Lyric Payton
      # il y a 3 années et 3 mois

      I’m explaining why I am requesting the refund. I disconnected it when I couldn’t figure it out and bought another plug-in that works without having to go through all of the hassle.

    • Vincent Mimoun-Prat
      # il y a 3 années et 3 mois
      Cette réponse a été marquée comme étant privée.
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