File owner drop down menu in client private area (uncorrect assignment)

    • Tommy2022
      # il y a 2 années et 3 mois


      in Create File procedure, the Owner step drop down menu includes all the possibile owners such as the Admin, the client #1, client #2 etc.

      Corsidering that the upload file procedure is a single private act for a client who wants to send a document to the admin, it should be set by default with the single account name, without any choice.

      If I am a a registered client I should not be able to upload a file as an Admin or others.

      Pleases, how can I set the right configuration to solve this problem?

      Thank you. Regards

    • Vincent Mimoun-Prat
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 2 années et 3 mois


      You can restrict those choices with the « owner restrictions add-on »


    • Vincent Mimoun-Prat
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 2 années et 3 mois

      Oh, and if the owner is always the same admin account, you can also do this with the free base addon:

      • remove the permission to choose an owner for the users having the « client » role (settings -> permissions)
      • set the default owner to the admin account (settings -> private files).

      That does not require any other add-on.

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