Acceptance of Terms and Conditions Digital

    • Selene Allegretti
      # il y a 1 année et 7 mois

      Hi everyone

      I need to create sections where in this position there will be contracts for customers, in PDF format. in addition to this format I would like to insert documents digitally to have the terms accepted digitally and automatically record it in PDF, there is your extension that makes this possible.

      I need this thing even if one day I will have to update the terms of the contract, without using sheets or PDFs I would like to allow the customer to accept the terms directly digitally, directly flagging the acceptance and clicking on an ok button for document registration.

      Let me know if there are any solutions for this.

      A thousand thanks!

      I’ll wait for you here

      Greetings 🙂

    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 1 année et 7 mois


      We don’t have any solution like this sorry.

      The closest add-on we currently have regarding terms acceptance is the terms of service add-on. However, it only manages the global terms on your site and forces a user to accept them before he can fully logging. We don’t have such a feature for specific files.


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