Access Denied to his file

    • Daniele Cavazzin
      # il y a 2 années et 9 mois

      The customer sees the file on the category page but cannot view the content.
      This doesn’t always happen.
      For the same client it happened 2 times. The first time it displayed, the second no, then after resaving the file it displayed, the third ok, the 4 again no.
      I don’t want to update the file because I would like to understand why it doesn’t go to first and why he can see it on category but not view the content.

      Could you help me?

    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 2 années et 9 mois


      but cannot view the content

      You might probably try to uncheck the box in Settings -> WP
      Customer Area -> {content type} -> Frontend Integration ->
      Content Queries – Hide contents created by the current connected user.

      I hope that helps.

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