ACF – account detials page

    • anastasiou
      # il y a 3 années

      the advanced custom field i set up
      the advanced fields with the information in the user profile
      after hiting submet button

      I have created an Advanced custom Field group that should show up on the Account details page.

      The information does not show up until a user goes to “edit account” and hit submit.  Even if the user did not add or delete any information.

    • anastasiou
      # il y a 3 années

      so additional detail i am using WP forms to input the information into the user profile via user registration. the entry into wpforms goes in fine

    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 3 années


      The information does not show up until a user goes to “edit account” and hit submit.

      Unfortunately, this is a behavior from ACF and we couldn’t find any workaround.

      Note : you can also add the WPCA register pages and the ACF register user form as conditions in the ACF locations.

      Using ACF and WP forms on a same site might be heavy and redundant.


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