Authentication Forms / customize

    • # il y a 2 années et 1 mois

      Hi, I have a few simple customization questions regarding the Authentication Forms addon.

      1. The user field currently displays a “Email or username” placeholder. Is there a way to change (translate) it?
      2. Is there a way to add text inside this form? Basically, users are trying to login with nonexisting usernames and I’d like to insert a simple reminder.



    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 2 années et 1 mois


      The user field currently displays a “Email or username” placeholder. Is there a way to change (translate) it?

      You have 3 solutions:

      1. Translating would be the easiest way. You can do that directly via the official WP translation platform.
        Select the Stable version for your language and you should be able to translate it. However, please understand that we do not validate the languages. WP contributors handle that job, and it can take some time to be validated.
      2. You can also use our template system documentation which should help you to find the correct templates files you need to edit, if you want to replace the full string.
      3. You can also copy the WPCA languages files from wp-content/languages to wp-content/customer-area/languages so they’ll be used instead of those from You can then start editing them via PoEdit, but you’ll lose automatic languages updates from

      Is there a way to add text inside this form? Basically, users are trying to login with nonexisting usernames and I’d like to insert a simple reminder.

      As suggested in the previous step, the way to go is to use our template system documentation, and edit the appropriate templates to add your changes.


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