Compatibility with plugin Hydrogen Pack

    • tetris-lab
      # il y a 2 années et 10 mois


      I had to open a new topic. I can’t replay in the other one (it’s closed)

      The bug is about the plugin Hydrogen Pack. I have deactivate it and now it works.

      Can I do something to solve the compatibility?



    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 2 années et 10 mois


      Could you please describe what the issue is exactly, on the WP Customer Area side, when the Hydrogen Pack is being activated?

      Anything not working as expected? Feel free to post some screenshot or describe the behaviour (error messages, logs, etc..).

      Note: Since your topic is actually not containing any sensitive data, I turned it public, in case it helps someone else.

      Best regards.

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