Date release of the next update

    • # il y a 1 année et 9 mois


      when the next update will be released? Is it better to wait before installing the new update in production environment? Which level of compatibility can we expect from it?

      Thank you.

    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 1 année et 9 mois

      Hello Francesco,

      Sorry for the replying delay. I saw your other message but I’ve been busy.

      The update took longer than expected. We’ve in fact added more fixes and features than what was planned at first.

      We plan to update end of next week. v8.2.0 is almost done. A new add-on will also maybe added to the family 😉

      I am not sure I remember if you were expecting a specific feature in that update, but, as you are an active member, as you do not hesitate to create reports there, we don’t want to disappoint you 🙂

      Please, find there the actual list of incoming bugfixes and features coming along the next 8.2.0 releases. This update won’t break anything, it will still be compatible with PHP 5.6+ versions, and it is being tested for 8.0.2+
      Do not hesitate to let us know if you see any issue on your development or staging environments, after that release, before deploying to production, and we’ll be happy to quickly hotfix the issues.

      = 8.2.0 (2022/05/??) =
      * Tweak: Few design and CSS tweaks (menu, sidebars, content styling, etc...)
      * Fix: Compatibility issue with Twenty Thirteen theme
      * Fix: Authored contents were missing from search and widget listings when Content Expiry add-on was enabled
      * Fix: Select boxes styles missing in admin profile page
      * Fix: Compatibility with Twenty Thirteen theme (CSS styling issue)
      * Fix: Textarea autogrow was not working anymore (for invoices and account)
      ** Add-on changes **
      * ** Design Extras ** - New: Support for new styles from WP Customer Area 8.2.0
      * ** DIVI compatibility ** - New: Add-on is now disabled if current theme is not running Divi as current or parent theme
      * ** Content Expiry ** - New: Compatibility with Front-Office Publishing add-on (expiration dates can now be set from the frontend)
      * ** Content Expiry ** - New: Added new permission to allow roles to set a post expiry from the frontend
      * ** Content Expiry ** - New: Add expired badge on dashboard and collections view if post is expired
      * ** Content Expiry ** - Fix: Fixed some meta_queries that were slowing down content listings page loading in some cases
      * ** Content Expiry ** - Fix: The author of an expired post will now still be able to view it
      * ** Content Expiry ** - Tweak: Update tile validation status on single content posts in case post is expired
      * ** Conversations ** - New: Add emojis compatibility in conversations replies
      * ** Conversations ** - New: Alternate colors and replies position depending on currently connected user
      * ** Conversations ** - Tweak: Add editor replies default styles (such as lists, links, etc..)
      * ** Conversations ** - Fix: Height sizing issue that was making conversations replies overlapping the site's footer
      * ** Conversations ** - Fix: Wrong left/right position for replies in some cases
      * ** Invoicing ** - Fix: invoicing vat fields were not properly loading data on the admin edit post screen
      * ** Projects ** - Removed compatibility with the content expiry add-on. Post expiration should now be set into attached posts
      * ** Protect Post Types ** - Fix: Post Owners were not showing up in the "Assigned to" column of the protected post types listing, in the backend
      * ** Tasks ** - Fix: Compatibility with frontend tasks edit form and the TwentyThirteen theme
      * ** Search ** - Fix: Authored contents were missing from search when Content Expiry add-on was enabled

      There are probably 2 or 3 more incoming fixes since the readme file is not yet fully updated.

      We also have a v9.0.0 in development, but that one is a major version, and should be more carefully tested. If you’d like to be a beta tester, we would be happy to send you that version before it is released.

      Thanks a lot for your patience.


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