Erreur Échec de chargement du document PDF.
Catalina PonçonParticipant# il y a 1 année et 9 mois
Hello, I was developing a website for a client in a temporary url. I finished it and I tranfert it to the final url. Now I have un error when I download a private file. Erreur Échec de chargement du document PDF.
Could you help me please.
ThomasMaître des clés# il y a 1 année et 9 mois
Hard to say, it looks like your browser is sending you this error.
- Could you try with another browser?
- Could you open the browser dev-tools (F12 or CTRL+SHIFT+i), and see if you see any red output in the console when downloading (like a 404 error or something)
- Could you make sure the PDF file is not corrupted by downloading it from the FTP?
- Could you check your PHP logs to see if you can find any related error?
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Catalina PonçonParticipant# il y a 1 année et 9 mois
Thanks for your answer.
- Yes I tried and it is the same problem
- I get this error: This page uses the non-standard “zoom” property. Instead, you can use calc (), or “transform” together with “transform-origin: 0 0”.
- Yes it is not corrupted, I can open it from FTP and open with adobe before upload to the private area.
- Where do I find PHP logs?
I have this adobe error when I tried to open the file (attached)
I bought also many addons, it is not a licence problem when I transfert my website?
Best regards,
ThomasMaître des clés# il y a 1 année et 9 mois
- Ok
- This error is not related to your issue
- You actually mean that if you upload the file from the private area, you cannot open it from wp-content/customer-area/storage? Right?
- Your PHP logs can usually be found in your web hosting control panel, and sometimes, directly on the FTP server. Once you found it, test the issue again, then check in the file if any error appearred.
in the plugin logs at the back-office I found this
This error is also not relateed but I’ll take a look at this to anyway.
Some other questions:
- What size is your PDF file?
- Which PHP version are you running?
- Make sure your PHP values are high enough to send the file, see this tutorial. You won’t necessarily find a php.ini file on your hosting server, this is sometimes done directly from the control panel. You should maybe contact your host provider to verify that. Do not hesitate to post the values you are using there and we’ll let you know if there are correct.
Anyway, the real answer should be located in your PHP error logs I guess.
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Catalina PonçonParticipant# il y a 1 année et 9 moisCette réponse a été marquée comme étant privée.
Catalina PonçonParticipant# il y a 1 année et 9 moisCette réponse a été marquée comme étant privée.
ThomasMaître des clés# il y a 1 année et 9 mois
I’m glad you found a way to manage this issue.
However, 7.4 works well. It is even still recommended to use 7.4 because 8.0 is not yet officially support by WP, but our plugin support it. You should not get any issue related to that version from our plugin though. I think the issue was related to your PHP configuration (see configuration values posted in the tutorial from my previous post).
I’ll take a look about the Warning error you reported, thank you.
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