Error: CUAR_Settings::$options is deprecated

    • Carla Espindola
      # il y a 8 mois et 4 semaines


      I’ve recently overhauled my website, updated the PHP version and plugins, and now I’m getting an error from the Customer Area main plugin, as follows:

      <b>Deprecated</b>: Creation of dynamic property CUAR_Settings::$options is deprecated in <b>/home/eseni/www/editora/wp-content/plugins/customer-area/src/php/core-classes/settings.class.php</b> on line <b>1949</b>

      I’ve reinstalled all the plugins and add-ons using the latest versions, so any help solving this problem would be greatly appreciated.

      Best regards,


    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 8 mois et 4 semaines


      Thank you for the report.

      Could you please try to connect to your FTP and edit the file wp-content/plugins/customer-area/src/php/core-classes/settings.class.php, line 1974, at the end of the file, you’ll see this:

      		 * @var array
      		private $default_options;

      Replace the block by that one:

      		 * @var array
      		private $default_options;
      		 * @var array|mixed
      		private $options;

      Let me know if this fixes the issue.



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