Error in Private Files TAB

    • Computime4IT Srl
      # il y a 6 mois

      When i open the TAB Private Files in setting i recive the error:


      proxy_fcgi:error [pid 154162:tid 154177
      [client xxxx AH01071: Got error ‘PHP message: PHP Fatal error:
      Uncaught ValueError:
      Unknown format specifier “S” in xxxxxx/p…………AdminInterface->get_storage_setting_description()\n#3 /xxxxxxxq/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): CUAR_Private…’, referer:

    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 4 mois et 3 semaines


      Sorry for the delay.

      This is faulty translation issue.

      I bet that if you switch the main site language to english, the error will disappear.

      Are you actually using Loco Translate or something like that? Did you modify some translation strings by yourself?

      In your case, your issue comes from the following string:

      <strong.>Leave empty to use default folder</strong.>:<br/><code.>%s</code.>

      I suspect that you are using a translation for that string which does include the %s placeholder.
      Your translation must include this placeholder, which will be replaced automatically. If the %s placeholder is not included in your translation, PHP will just throw a Fatal Error.


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