Hide right column “files and created by”

    • Aitorg19
      # il y a 2 années et 5 mois

      Hi, I would like to know if there is a way to hide the right column, just to show to the customers their files.

      I attach an image where I marked the area I need to hide, thanks!

    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 2 années et 5 mois


      This sidebar can be customized from Appaerrence > Widgets, but for convenience, if the sidebar is empty, we’re still loading some default widgets.

      You can completely disable this sidebar using this code snippet.


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    • Aitorg19
      # il y a 2 années et 5 mois


      should this be in Css?

      I am not an expert and I dont know exactly where to put that code.

    • Vincent Mimoun-Prat
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 2 années et 5 mois


      Not CSS, this should be done with PHP.

      You can put that code in your functions.php file (from the theme) or have a look at our documentation about how to use the code snippets.


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