How do I add a page category to the customer area menu?

    • James Young
      # il y a 5 mois et 1 semaine

      I want to add a menu item that shows all pages in a specific category but I can’t see how to do it


    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 5 mois et 1 semaine


      You can add widgets from wp-admin > appearrence > widgets. You’ll find useful widgets such as “WPCA – Recent pages” or “WPCA – Categories”. This would be the closest approach to answer your request. However, WPCA is using the standard WP menu system to build the menus. So you could try editing the WPCA menu in wp-admin > appearrence > menus, or use any third party plugins or code snippets to tweak them to fit your needs. You can at least easily add links to your categories pages from there.

      But for sure, we’ll never add the possibility to automatically display all privates pages in a dropdown sub-menu. It would be a disaster in term of UX for sites with hundreds of private pages. If you really need that feature, we recommend hiring a developer from region to do that for you.

      I hope that helps.


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