How to remove a share buttons and rest below in private files ?

    • tadekm
      # il y a 4 mois et 3 semaines

      As mentioned in topic – how to remove share line with social icons plus author name below and text that comments are closed ?


      Thank you.

    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 4 mois et 2 semaines


      Sorry for the delay.

      This part, shown into your screenshot, is not generated by our plugin, but by your theme.

      Usually, those sharing and comment sections actually come from the single.php file from your theme.

      As per our Theming documentation, you’ll learn that WP Customer Area is using the file single.php from your theme to display private content posts, and is using page.php to display other pages, such as listings, or your “My account page” for instance.

      However, you can actually change that behavior. As explained in the documentation, you can copy page.php from your parent theme, to your child theme, then rename it to cuar.php, make your edits in this file (for instance, remove the comments section, remove the sharing buttons, etc…), and WP Customer Area will use this template for all the pages, and single posts, of the area.

      We also have, as explained in that doc, more template’s names available, ready to be used to create templates specific to many sections (post types, categories, single posts, pages, etc…).

      I hope that helps.


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