Most suitable plug-in for multiple user access

    • thomas.bastien
      # il y a 1 année et 1 mois


      I am testing wp-customerarea 8.2.1 to allow our customers to download our product documentations. Each customer will have a dedicated account.

      I have created some Privates Pages & Files that I have assigned to a single user (Owner).

      Is there a plugin to allow to assign then to multiple users?



    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 1 année et 1 mois


      Sure, you’ll need to get the Additional Owner Types add-on.

      You’ll be able to assign a single post to multiple users, groups, roles, and more.

      That said, be aware that if you assign a post to multiple users, and let your users edit the post, all that users will be able to edit the same single post.


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      • thomas.bastien
        # il y a 1 année et 1 mois

        Thanks Thomas for your quick response.

        Looking into the differences Licenses, as we will only have 1 website, the personal License will be sufficient.

        Is there a possibility to get a trial version? I am running the test on my local machine and once the evaluation completed, we will deploy on a real server.

        Best Regards

        Thomas Bastien

      • Thomas
        Maître des clés
        # il y a 1 année et 1 mois


        We do not have any trial version, sorry.

        Feel free to ask anything you’d like before purchasing.

        This add-on mainly adds new owner types anywhere you’ll see some owner types selection boxes. It means it will extend the forms for any post type protected by WP Customer Area (private files, pages, conversations, tasks, invoices, projects) and is also compatible with the Front Office Publishing add-on where those selection boxes also appear.


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