Notification – something went wrong

    • admin
      # il y a 1 année et 9 mois


      I’m using the ‘Notification’ addon along with two others (I’ll send the correct names if needed), but it doesn’t seem to work properly.
      In fact, one person has uploaded a file in the private area and the notification has arrived, another person (with the same characteristics as the first) has uploaded a file, but nothing has arrived (even in spam).

      I would like to understand if there is something wrong in the settings, if it is an smtp problem or something else.. could you help me? Thanks.


      Kindly regards


    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 1 année et 9 mois


      Could you first take a look at the logs in Admin > Private Area > Logs.

      You’ll see the notifications logs there, so you can make sure that WP Customer Area attempted to send an e-mail.

      If you see an entry but didn’t receive anything, it should be a server sending issue, or a problem with the receiving email account. There are tons of reasons that could prevent an e-mail to reach its destination, but best way would be to first take a look at the logs from WPCA.


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