Notifications add-on – for new pages or for updated pages as well?

    • dom
      # il y a 3 années et 4 mois

      Hi there

      I am interested in the Notifications add-on. I can see it sends a notification when a new item is published. Will it also send a notification when an item is updated? Say you added some more information to a page, or a new image/link etc? Would it send a notification then?



    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 3 années et 4 mois


      Will it also send a notification when an item is updated?

      Actually no, but I guess that this is a feature that we could add.

      See attached the actual available notification types.



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    • dom
      # il y a 3 années et 4 mois

      OK, Thanks for the answer. So, just to be clear – if an admin created a page or added a new file for a specific Client, then that client would receive a notification.

    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 3 années et 4 mois


      Sorry for the delay.

      Yes, a notification will be sent to administrators and assignees when new content is created.

      On the sreenshot below, notifications templates sent to admins are those with the small icon.


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