Notifications failures

    • # il y a 3 années et 2 mois

      Since some days we are experiencing some errors in notifications, that appear randomly. We are using the AWS SES to send the email, but on my opinion the problem begins inside the add-on.

      I had a look to the logs page and I saw tha notifications are not sent by the plugin.

      In the next message (marked as private) I’ll send you a screenshot of the logs page with some file upload without notifications and some with notifications.

    • # il y a 3 années et 2 mois
      Cette réponse a été marquée comme étant privée.
    • Vincent Mimoun-Prat
      # il y a 3 années et 1 mois


      I don’t see why that would work for some users and not for other users :/

      Could it be that you have some custom code (filters/hooks) for the notifications?

      Also, is user P… having a valid email?

      Do you see any different behaviour if using SMTP or the mail function from PHP?

      Are notifications enabled for that user? Is he the author of the private content which should trigger a notification?

      Our add-on is basically using the wp_mail function, that is rather simple and straightforward.

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