Notifications for file uploads in Front-Office Publishing

    • Carla Espindola
      # il y a 1 année et 8 mois


      I’m interested in purchasing the ‘Notifications’ add-on, but I need to be sure it will work in my specific situation.

      Our website has ‘front-office publishing’ installed, and we need to receive a notification when any user uploads a private file. Is this possible with the ‘Notifications’ add-on?

      Best regards,


    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 1 année et 8 mois


      we need to receive a notification when any user uploads a private file. Is this possible with the ‘Notifications’ add-on?

      Yes, once the add-on is installed, this can be done in Settings > WP Customer Area > Notifications > Individual notification settings > Content created.

      Best regards.

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