Number of professional licenses issue

    • Dana Cain
      # il y a 2 années et 4 mois

      I have the professional license for all of my premium add ons however it is only allowing me to register one usage on one site. The professional license should give me registrations on 5 sites as advertised.

    • Vincent Mimoun-Prat
      # il y a 2 années et 4 mois


      Indeed. It should be fine now. I have updated the licenses.

    • Dana Cain
      # il y a 2 années et 4 mois

      Still all add-ons shows 1 out of 1 activations instead of showing 1 out of 5 because I have professional license for all add-ons not only for 1 or 2.

    • Vincent Mimoun-Prat
      # il y a 2 années et 4 mois


      I had fixed it for the order in October but had not seen the order from May.

      This should be fine now.


      • Dana Cain
        # il y a 2 années et 3 mois

        I can see the license is now showing 1 out of 5 but when I click to validate license it gives me the error like invalid license etc.

      • Vincent Mimoun-Prat
        # il y a 2 années et 3 mois
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