Organize Private Files By Category

    • Stacy Taylor
      # il y a 1 année et 8 mois

      Is it possible to organize private files via Categories that the user can access in their private dashboard area?

      Right now all the files show up with no ability to organize them as far as I know.

      It would be good to see Categories first, then the user accesses the files under those Categories.

    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 1 année et 8 mois


      Is it possible to organize private files via Categories that the user can access in their private dashboard area?

      Private Files can actually be organized through categories. All you need to do is to add a Category Widget in WP-Admin > Widgets > Private Files sidebar. You can also set an option to hide categories where the currently logged-in user dosen’t have any content assigned to him.

      It would be good to see Categories first, then the user accesses the files under those Categories.

      You’re probably looking for a “folder” feature. WP Customer Area doesn’t have that. WP Customer Area is using taxonomies (categories), and those categories are meant to be set globally, for the whole site. Eg: if you create a category, and use the Front Office Publishing add-on, when an user create a post, if he has the ability to select a category, he will see in the dropdown list all the Private Files categories set on the site.

      However, anything can be customized with WP Customer Area, if you have a bit of development knowledge. You could for instance edit the templates used for the My Files page, and transform it to force the user to select a category first. But this is unfortunately a personal customization work we can’t do for you as per our included support. We would recommend hiring a developer if you really need that kind of feature.


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