Owner Restriction option

    • Valentina Stella
      # il y a 2 années et 2 mois

      It’s possible in the Owner Restriction table in the last field to insert: “Any users of the group where the author is a member”? In order to be able to choose only one or more users of the belonging group but not all of them. See attachment.

      Thank you.

    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 2 années et 2 mois


      Isn’t that redundant with the option you selected above? “Groups where the author is a member”.
      Groups actually means “all users in the group”

      Or I might probably misunderstand your request.



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    • Valentina Stella
      # il y a 2 années et 2 mois

      I would see the list of group user names and then choose from those. Not all the full group.

      Many thanks.

    • Valentina Stella
      # il y a 2 années et 1 mois

      Excuse me for the insistence but I need this option for my work.

      Thanks in advance

    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 2 années et 1 mois


      Sorry for the delay, holidays time were coming and I then forgot to get back to your thread.

      To ensure I really understand your needs, you wrote:

      Any user of the group where the author is a member.

      This doesn’t exactly mean anything to the WPCA logic, and to how the software works. Would those implementations suit your needs?

      1. Any user of the groups where the currently logged-in user is the author
      2. Any user of the groups where the currently logged-in user is assigned
      3. Any user of the groups where the currently logged-in is a member (either author or assigned)

      We’ll probably need some time in order to figure out the best way to do this, because this method actually only considers the group feature from the Front-Office Publishing add-on, not from the Managed Groups add-on or Smart Groups add-on, where assignations types are slightly difrerrent.


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    • Valentina Stella
      # il y a 2 années et 1 mois


      Yes, those implementations are right, especially number 3!

      Any user of the groups where the currently logged-in is a member (either author or assigned)

      I will wait quietly, thank you very much.


    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 2 années et 1 mois


      Actually, I am not sure that everything is clear.

      I would see the list of group user names and then choose from those

      is actually not the same as:

      Any user of the groups where the currently logged-in user is a member (either author or assigned)

      In the second case, you won’t see usernames, you’ll just be able to click “Any user of the groups where the currently logged-in user is a member”. Once the post published, all users from all the groups where the author is a member will be able to see the post. Which is obviously not what you are looking for.

      It looks like you want to be able to filter out the full list of usernames instead, and remove some of them, right? However, you might want to know that, by doing that, you’ll get absolutely no way to un-assign someone from a post by deleting an user from a group, which, is also not what you are looking for I guess.


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    • Valentina Stella
      # il y a 2 années


      I would like to be able to filter the complete list of usernames of the groups the currently logged-in user is a member. (see the picture in attachment).

      In this way I could choose to share a file only to some members of the group I belong to and not to everyone.

      Many thanks.


    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 2 années
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