page are empty

    • fabien_galiana
      # il y a 3 années et 6 mois


      After creating default pages, default menu, and a test user, once login into dashboard page, the page is empty. no form, no menu item. There is a “menu” with nothing : Menu


      I presume that I missed some step, but following the documentation, I cannot find what more should I do.


      thx for your help.

    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 3 années et 6 mois


      Is the menu correctly working when you connect as admin?

      If not: The menu is probably displayed as mobile view, probably because the area width is too small. Could you show a screenshot to confirm that in this case?

      If yes: It means that you should first set the permissions in Settings -> Customer Area -> Capabilities. Your user role must be able to see those sections in order to let the menu items display correctly. Check Initial setup -> Set permissions. and our permissions reference guide.

      Best regards.

      Want to help WP Customer Area? It only takes few seconds!
      Rate & review the plugin on 🙂

    • fabien_galiana
      # il y a 3 années et 6 mois


      seems that my answers are not appearing on this thread ?

    • fabien_galiana
      # il y a 3 années et 6 mois

      I don’t know why, I’ll try to upload in txt the answer from blocksy team.

    • Vincent Mimoun-Prat
      # il y a 3 années et 6 mois


      You are running the latest version of the plugin? Which version of WordPress are you using?

    • fabien_galiana
      # il y a 3 années et 6 mois

      please check the attachment of my latest answer. The blocksy team found an issue in one of your files. thx.

    • Vincent Mimoun-Prat
      # il y a 3 années et 6 mois


      Yes, that fix is already in our code, and will be part of our next release.

      You can already apply the changes below on your website if you want to.

    • fabien_galiana
      # il y a 3 années et 6 mois

      ok great, I’ll notify blocksy team as well. thx

    • fabien_galiana
      # il y a 3 années et 6 mois

      changes are ok. we can consider this case solve waiting for your next release.

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