Problems after last wpcuar update

    • stefanslavov
      # il y a 2 années et 1 mois


      After the last update of wpcuar some issue came out.

      1. Inside a private wpcuar page every embedded audio file the player is not visualising when viewing the page.

      2. I side a private wpcuar page any item on iframe is not getting height properties. It always stays on some default 205px height and it is imposible the set a proper view.

      Wp cuars is set on master light theme. On previous updates the height issue could have been resolved wheb deleting some the “height: auto” value in the theme css file. But after the current update when height: auto is deleted, the cuar privete page visulaize properly the height of the iframe, but the iframe drops under the footer of the website and it is impossible to read or work.

    • stefanslavov
      # il y a 2 années et 1 mois

      Hi it is fixed by adding code snippet for disabling css resets

    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 2 années et 1 mois
      Cette réponse a été marquée comme étant privée.
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