Tasks : chronological order by defaut + overlay

    • Jérémy GUILLOUET
      # il y a 10 mois et 1 semaine


      in the tasks section, the tasks are shown chronologically (the last we’ve add is the first in the list). Is there a way to show the tasks antichronogically ? So that, the first task we have to make appears first ?

      And second question, how can we change the grey striped overlay ?

      Thanks in advance

    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 10 mois et 1 semaine


      tasks are shown chronologically (the last we’ve add is the first in the list)

      There’s no built-in or GUI way to do that, but you could, theorically, affect, via a standard WP code snippet, the query made to pull the tasks. WPCAs’ tasks are actually standard WP’s custom post types. It means that when you save a task, you’ll also save a “created date” data, that you can use to affect your query and display them accordingly. But take care that we also have a special field, displaying a calendar, that should allow you to select a due date, which would be a differrent date that the “created date”, if set. It would be up to you to adapt the code accordingly in case you also want to take it into account.

      However, if you don’t have any development skill to adapt that, we would recommend hiring a WP developer from your region, to create such a code snippet for you. If you can understand that a bit, we could recommend you to use the filter named “cuar/content-container/tasks/query-args/tasks-of-list” (file “customer-area-tasks/src/php/tasks/tasks-addon.class.php”, line 349), and create a custom plugin, including something like the following code snippet:

      function wpca_tasks_order_by_date($args) {
      $args['orderby'] = 'date';
      return $args;
      add_filter('cuar/content-container/tasks/query-args/tasks-of-list', 'wpca_tasks_order_by_date');
      • You could also affect the order by using the “order” parameter and setting it to “DESC”.
      • You could also affect the order by checking if a due date date is set, by using the “meta_query” WP_Query filters for the meta named “cuar_task_duedate”.

      However, this request is some kind of customization that goes outside of our support scope, and we won’t be able to provide on-demand code to specifically answer your request, but the above suggestions are the way to go and would be easy to implement for any WP developer.

      I hope that’ll helps.



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    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 10 mois et 1 semaine

      And second question, how can we change the grey striped overlay ?

      If you’re talking about the gray stripped overlay that comes over the thumbnails images on the frontend collection views, those styles are just simple CSS. You could override this and customize as you’d like by customizing the CSS in your child theme’s CSS stylesheet and overriding our selectors/rules to adapt them to your needs.


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    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 10 mois et 1 semaine

      in the tasks section, the tasks are shown chronologically

      Also, please note that by using the Front Office Publishing add-on, you’ll be able to reorder by drag and dropping them when editing the post (And probably also from the admin UI view, can’t verify that right now).

      If you change the code by following the above recommandations because you’d simply prefer ordering by date, drag and drop re-ordering won’t work anymore, and created date will be used (depending on what you chose and did into your code snippet).



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