Translate plugin

    • # il y a 3 années et 5 mois


      I need to translate some areas and functions of the plugin.

      Can you please suggest the best way to do it?


    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 3 années et 5 mois


      We have a few translations files for add-ons ready to download on

      If you can’t find the translations files you are looking for in our repository, translating add-ons can be done using PoEdit (free version).

      • Open PoEdit
      • Create new translation from Po file
      • Select .po file from wp-content/plugins/customer-area*/languages (each add-on includes a language folder)
      • Make your translations
      • Click Validate and then save them as wp-content/customer-area/languages (if you made a Portuguese translation, you need to name that accordingly, eg cuarme-pt_PT.po for the conversation add-on Portuguese translation)
      • Click File -> compile and create the .mo file

      Translating the main free plugin can also be done directly on

      Do not hesitate if you need more help.


      Want to help WP Customer Area? It only takes few seconds!
      Rate & review the plugin on 🙂

    • # il y a 3 années et 5 mois


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