Unable to upload files

    • Jonathan Kidson
      # il y a 1 année et 9 mois


      There is no way to upload files, not even as administrator

      Where is the button to upload files?


      In the bakoffice it works



    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 1 année et 9 mois


      It looks like there is a Javascript issue on your site (Javascript crashed for some reason). Those 3 steps should not be displayed like that.
      Can you please open the console (F12, OR ctrl + Shift + i), click the “console” tab, and then copy paste there any red error showing up in that tab .

      Please, post those errors in a private reply.

      Best regards.

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      • Jonathan Kidson
        # il y a 1 année et 9 mois
        Cette réponse a été marquée comme étant privée.
      • Thomas
        Maître des clés
        # il y a 1 année et 9 mois


        Sorry for the inconvenience.

        Can you please try again?


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