User Name Desktop

    • Juan Torres
      # il y a 6 mois

      Hello. Please excuse my English, translation from Google.

      One question. In image 1 the username appears. That is the account detail page. Is it possible to insert that username in the highlighted area of ​​image 2, which is the home page of the desktop?

    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 4 mois et 2 semaines


      Sorry for the delay.

      This would be doable programmatically, and requires a bit of HTML, CSS and PHP knowledge, therefore we cannot provide any out of the box solution for such a customization. However, I can guide you a bit to help you find the function which is actually generating this.

      The function that generates the profile toolbar button is located in the file customer-area/skins/frontend/master/cuar-functions.php, line 396, and is called  cuar_toolbar_profile_button.

      You should not edit this function in the plugin files, of course, but you could override it.

      For instance, you could :

      • Create a custom plugin
      • Copy the function to your custom plugin and rename it to something like cuar_toolbar_custom_profile_button
      • Edit the HTML to add the display name next to the profile icon
      • Remove the actual filter bound to the function
        remove_filter('cuar/core/page/toolbar', 'cuar_toolbar_profile_button');​
      • Add a new filter bound to your custom function
        add_filter('cuar/core/page/toolbar', 'cuar_toolbar_custom_profile_button', 11);​

      Best regards.


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