PHP and WP versions Compatibility??

    • # 1 month, 2 weeks ago

      Hi there! I have been using WP Customer Area with 2 premium addons (Enhanced Files and Notifications) for a long time for one of my clients. But recently the website loads very slowly and file uploads on the back-end are very slooooow.

      So, I was wondering if the main plugin + addons are compatible with the latest WP version (6.6.1) and PHP ver 8.3? You see, I have recently upgraded PHP but after seeing that Addons are only “Tested up to PHP 7.3 and WordPress 6.2.2” (as is stated on each Addon page in the right sidebar), I am wondering if the latest WP and PHP versions actually slow down WP Customer Area and the website in general??

      After those recent updates of PHP to 8.3 and WP to 6.6.1 I also noticed a PHP compatibiliy error that is being recorder in my error log on server:

      PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property CUAR_NotificationsAdminInterface::$no_addon is deprecated in /home/tahoce47/public_html/wp-content/plugins/customer-area-notifications/src/php/helpers/notifications-admin-interface.class.php on line 22

      Why would this be? Is this related to the plugin’s incompatibility with PHP 8.3 or something else? Any suggestions?

      Please let me know ASAP.

      Thanks, Danijel

    • Matthew Brunetti
      # 1 month, 1 week ago

      I am having the same problem. I’d love some direction/recommendations for this.

    • Thomas
      # 1 week, 4 days ago


      Sorry for the delay.

      PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property

      This error doesn’t have any incidence about your issue. You can check this post and edit the plugin file to stop our plugin flooding your php-errors.log file. This will be fixed in a future release, but I can’t tell you when this will be released.

      This is actually just a typo error, a variable name is wrong, but there is no incidence over the plugin, its functionnalities, nor the slowyness of your page loadings.

       have recently upgraded PHP

      Usually, in most of the cases, the issue comes from there. It depends on your hosting provider, the services you are using, the way you upgrade PHP. Most of the time, you will upgrade PHP to a newer version, but the configuration won’t match the older version, and you’ll end up with a new configuration into the php.ini file that matches the default values, not a configuration that matches your needs. In most cases, the PHP memory limit values would be lower than the ones required to let your site and page loadings  to run smoothly.

      One you upgraded PHP to a higher version, we would recommend to check:

      • The PHP memory usage limit (we cannot recommend any limit, it would depend on your site and its usage, especially if you are also using a lot of plugins, or heavy consumption plugins such as Elementor or Woocommerce, but do not hesitate to try at least 512Mb to see if it helps). Please rely on your hosting provider’s documentation to know how to increase that
      • The PHP_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME also probably need to be increased
      • The WordPress memory usage limit should also be defined, but should be lower than the PHP memory usage limit (since WP uses PHP). But it can be defined from your wp-config.php file by setting a constant like define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
      • WP Customer Area is actually delivering private attachment files from PHP. If you have to deliver attachment files to be downloaded, that are up to 256Mb, both your WP and PHP memory usage limits should be higher than thos values
      • Your server configuration probably uses PHP-FPM, and those values probably also need to be reviewed. We don’t have any recommendation. It depends on your needs, on the number of plugins installed on your site, on the number of requests executed per minutes / seconds,  on the consumption of your site.

      In any case, there is no chance that upgrading PHP would cause any slowlyness issue. The only issue should come from the new PHP configuration, after you upgraded. There is a lot to review, but I bet you are just facing memory peaks issues after upgrading to PHP 8.3, which should come from your new PHP configuration.

      Please, do not hesitate to check that and let us know if you achieved to  managed this issue, and do not hesitate to share the PHP values you changed from its defaults to let the plugin runs smoothly, in case it can help others.

      Best regards.

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