Landing page and more

    • Massimo Uccelli
      # il y a 2 années et 4 mois

      Hello everyone, sorry if maybe I ask trivial questions. I need to create a reserved area for a customer with dedicated user access. Once logged in, users will have to go to a dedicated page and upload images.
      Is it possible to use this plugin? I saw that there are also paid components, such as sending messages to everyone, I would be interested. Does the landing page already have templates already made?
      Thank you all

    • Vincent Mimoun-Prat
      # il y a 2 années et 4 mois


      Yes that is what the plugin allows to do. Best is to try it, just get the free base plugin from and see how it works.

      • davidebovolenta
        # il y a 2 années et 3 mois

        I downloaded and installed the plugin but I can’t find a way to give users the ability to upload files and / or edit their private pages. Where am I wrong? I don’t find anything in the documentation.

      • Thomas
        Maître des clés
        # il y a 2 années et 3 mois

        Hi David,

        You probably just skipped the capabilities configuration steps. You need to set permissions for the subscriber role to View Privates Files in Admin > Settings > WP Customer Area > Capabilities.

        Do not check the View Any Privates Files for subscribers or they’ll be able to see contents not assigned to them if they’re aware of their URLs.

        You’ll find more infos in our Getting Started tutorial and our Permissions Reference documentation.

        If you are simply looking for a way to let your users upload multiple files from the frontend, please check those add-ons:

        Best regards.

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