WPBakery Page Builder

    • Laura Lana
      # il y a 2 années et 7 mois

      Hi, i would like to know how can i do to use WPBakery Page Builder when i create a page in customer area.



    • Thomas
      Maître des clés
      # il y a 2 années et 7 mois


      You can use this code snippet (also, check our code snippets documentation).

      This code snippet will :

      • Disable our CSS resets (some graphic issues from your theme may appear on your site)
      • But, this will allow other plugins to be inserted into the area, such as shortcodes from WP Bakery

      Note: Keep in mind that components from WP Bakery are not protected. If you insert a media from WP Bakery, it will be stored in the uploads directory (not in the WPCA storage folder), so the inserted medias won’t be as secured as private files.


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