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  • # il y a 3 mois

    Hi Thomas,

    as I said it’s a strange behaviour. We have 5 administrator accounts inside WP, but the only one can set the filters is mine. When a collaborator of mine tries to set the filter “VISIBLE BY”, he gets the same list he had without filter, like the filter just doesn’t exist. This isn’t happening with my account, that is working regularly. Honestly I cannot guess what’s happening here.

    # il y a 1 année et 1 mois

    Hi Thomas, I edited the snippet as it follows, but unfortunately it isn’t working. Have you any suggestion to make it work? Thank you very much for your help.

    function custom_override_items_per_page() {
    add_filter(‘CUAR_PrivateContentTable_per_page’, function($per_page) {
    $screen = get_current_screen();
    if ($screen && $screen->post_type == ‘cuar_private_file’) {
    $per_page = 100; // Imposta il numero di elementi per pagina a 100

    return $per_page;
    }, 99999);

    add_action(‘admin_init’, ‘custom_override_items_per_page’);

    # il y a 1 année et 7 mois

    Thank you for answering me. I’m constantly monitoring this page, as we are really concerned about the delay of the release date. I would be happy just knowing WHEN the release will be available, as I could prepare the test environment and then to apply the update to the production site. Please let us know if there is some news about it. Thank you.

    # il y a 1 année et 9 mois

    Hi Thomas,

    when will the next update of WPCustomerArea be released? I thought it was in April, but we are approaching June.
    Thank you.

    # il y a 2 années

    You can use the author widget for that. It will display links to users that have a relationship with the currently logged-in user.

    After sometests, I aknoledged that when you select an author, it filters the files shown, but at the same time it loose the ordering cryterium, so they are no morwe from the newest to the oldes, as usual.

    # il y a 2 années

    It seems to work. In my opinion the notifications should be customizable. I will try to work around this with Loco Translate.

    # il y a 2 années

    Yes, I have “Enhanced files” enabled. Now, I’m going to check if the tweak you sent me and report to you. Thank you.

    # il y a 2 années et 1 mois

    It started working after a while and I could make my purchase. Thank you.

    # il y a 2 années et 1 mois

    …conditional fields from ACF works within WP Customer Area, so you could create a first ACF field, like, “private file type”, and then, depending on this selection, you could display a completely differrent ACF form…

    Unfortunately this is not the case, as my goal was to have different forms based on user identity (different catalogs of services with different prices, for example).

    You can use the author widget for that.

    This was very good advice, I completely forgot that widget. Thank you.

    # il y a 2 années et 7 mois

    Puoi usare il plugin “Loco Translate”.

    in reply to: translation
    # il y a 2 années et 8 mois

    I tried to overwrite the file /public_html/wp-content/plugins/customer-area/src/php/core-classes/Licensing/licensing-client.class.php with the GIT one you provided, but honestly I could not see any difference.

    Maybe did I forget to do something inside the patch file?

    # il y a 2 années et 9 mois

    You say that the discount appears automatically on the check out page, but it did not. Even if I bought the add ons in two separate purchases, the checkout page should prompt the discount on the first one (9 add ons, 20% discount), but this did not happoen and I paid exactly the sum of the prices of all 9 plugin.

    Anyway, I don’t want to bother you. I just aknowledged that your company don’t want to refund the discount, according to the official policy.

    # il y a 2 années et 9 mois

    Hi Thomas,

    I see that you never logged in my staging website. Could you check the issue, so I can delete your account from my wordpress?

    Thank you

    # il y a 2 années et 9 mois

    Good morning Vincent,

    on your website I can read:

    Our discounts work as follows:

    • 10% off when purchasing 4 to 6 addons
    • 20% off when purchasing 7 to 10 addons
    • 30% off when purchasing 11 to 15 addons
    • 40% off when purchasing 16 to 20 addons
    • 50% off when purchasing 21 addons or more

    I bought 12 addons (9 in order 020828, 3 in order 020891), but I didn’t receive any discount, as you can see from the screenshot of the purchase orders. I’m asking to refund us the 30% of the payment in order to make the discount real.


    Thank you.

    # il y a 2 années et 10 mois

    Hi Thomas, this is my staging website. You can login with the following admin credentials:


    user: foobar

    psw: 3JDQcp%G(K1qdF&RIwO3UsZ3


    FTP Username:
    FTP server:
    FTP & explicit FTPS port:  21

    psw: 3JDQcp%G(K1qdF&RIwO3UsZ3

    At this moment the WPCA plugins are all active (consequently the plugins page and the Update page are very slow). Try to deactivate them all (leaving all other plugins activated), then reload page. You will see that it will become instantly quicker.

    # il y a 2 années et 10 mois

    Are there new acievement on this issue?

    I also have the plugin page very slow and also some scripts run slow when interacting with our website.

    I attach a screenshot of the process in Google DevTools

    # il y a 2 années et 10 mois

    Thank you Vincent, I did it.

    The two orders are:



    # il y a 2 années et 10 mois

    It worked, thank you.

    # il y a 2 années et 10 mois

    No, I don’t. It is installed only on, but I’m interested to use it also on a staging website. Do you have special prices for this kind of use (just development)?

    # il y a 2 années et 10 mois

    Here the same problem.

20 sujets de 1 à 20 (sur un total de 24)