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  • Thomas
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    # il y a 1 jour et 8 heures


    This menu can be found in wp-admin > Private Area (top left sidebar) > Status > Templates.


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    # il y a 3 jours et 3 heures


    Send me an email to thomas [ at ] and I will send you an updated file which should fix the issue.


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    # il y a 3 jours et 3 heures


    when user B tries to upload a PDF to that Private file, I get the error

    In order to be allowed to upload an attachment file to a private file post, the currently logged in user needs to be either author, or assigned to the post.

    However, administrators should be able to upload attachments in every post, even if they’re not author nor assignee.

    Is this how it works? It wans’t like this on previous versions.

    There’s currently a bug in actual versions which prevents an administrator to add attachment files to ANY private file post. Could you confirm that the error you’re getting happens once you’re logged-in as an administrator user, which is not author nor assignee of the private file post? This issue will be fixed in future versions, but I can actually provide you an update to fix that before we release the next version.

    Let me know.


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    # il y a 3 jours et 6 heures


    We want to make sure of its compatibility with the theme we choose, but we’re not very clear about it

    We recommend that you first try the free base plugin before purchasing anything. You should not encounter integration issues with the add-ons if the main plugin integrate smoothly with your theme.

    We would like to know which theme or themes are 100% compatible with your plugin.

    Most themes should be compatible, but some of them actually require a few fixs. Do not hesitate to give WPCA a try with the theme of your choice and let us know about any integration issue, and we’ll advice.


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    # il y a 3 jours et 6 heures


    I also wonder if there is any YouTube clips about WPCA that could help beginners to make changes in private area design.

    You could find a few community clips on Youtube related to WP Customer Area, but I don’t think you’ll find tutorials specifically related to layout customization.

    Customizing your private area is like customizing a WordPress theme. This rely on editing some templates, tweaking the CSS rules, and playing around with hooks and filters. We cannot provide full courses about this since we’re just following the WordPress development principles, but you could take a look at our template system documentation, our code snippets documentation, our code snippets examples, and ask there about anything you’d like to edit, so we could advice about the best approach.

    I have read about making skins. Is there any free skins or examples from other users that I could implement or learn from?

    Not from the community. The design extras add-on is actually including a dozen of skins. But I don’t recommend you to create a skin, it would not be the best approach, especially if you are not a programmer. This is definitely a way that require development skills.

    Or is there an ad-on that I should have that will open up the design in the private area?

    What do you mean by “open up the design”?

    Do not hesitate to give precise examples about what you’d like to edit, what you’d like to do, and I could give advices.

    Also, please create your own support topic.


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    # il y a 2 semaines


    We’ve refunded the renewal order and cancelled the subscription.


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    in reply to: Account cancellation
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    # il y a 2 semaines


    We don’t have such a feature, and this is not / won’t be planned, sorry.

    You could try to add that feature with third party plugins from the market, but you’ll probably need to check this FAQ if you’re encountering graphical issues with those plugins, on the frontend login pages from the Authentication Forms add-on:

    My plugin or custom component does not display very well if included into the Customer Area


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    # il y a 2 semaines


    Are you using the DIVI Theme Builder?

    If yes, you should create a template, specific and assigned to all WPCA pages, its subpages, and all WPCA archives and CPTs (private pages, files, etc…).

    This template should be configured to only include a header and a footer. Leave the content template empty, and it should be fine.


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    in reply to: DIVI THEME
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    # il y a 2 semaines


    I have the compatibility plugin installed. Doesn’t seem to do anything.

    Just in case: did you activate the plugin?

    Everything is in one long, narrow column. Can’t make it full width.

    The DIVI compatibility add-on should actually make the private area’s layout full-width out of the box, but there’s might be something wrong in your case? Could you please provide screenshots in a private reply, showing the issues you’re facing?


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    in reply to: DIVI THEME
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    # il y a 2 semaines


    Why are a lot of the forums closed and not accessible for DIVI?

    Some of the topics on these forums are not accessible because their author marked the topic as private. You can access closed topics, but not private ones.

    As well, has anyone been able to use this plugin with DIVI? Everything is in one long, narrow column. Can’t make it full width.

    Did you try the DIVI compatibility add-on? It should help fixing a few compatibility issues with the plugin.


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    in reply to: DIVI THEME
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    # il y a 2 semaines


    but I meant to open the pdf file in a blank window

    To make sure I correctly understand your request: You actually want the file to be opened and displayed into the browser, in a new browser’s tab, instead of getting it downloaded to your computer?

    If yes, the answer I previously gave is the correct one. The Enhanced Files add-on allows you to specify file types for which the browser should attempt, if compatible, to display them directly in a new tab.

    However, if you want the attachment to be downloaded in a new tab, but not to be display, this would require a bit of template editing (see our template system documentation).

    You could copy to the templates folder, and edit the file customer-area/src/php/core-addons/customer-private-files/templates/customer-private-files-single-post-footer.template.php, line 73, change this:

    <a href="<?php cuar_the_attached_file_link($post->ID, $file); ?>"

    to this:

    <a href="<?php cuar_the_attached_file_link($post->ID, $file); ?>" target="_BLANK"


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    # il y a 2 semaines et 1 jour


    You can customize the Widgets by just selecting some new ones in wp-admin > appearence > widgets > private files sidebar.

    WP Customer Area adds some default widgets if the sidebar is empty. So, if you start adding any widget to the sidebar, it will remove the default ones and let you select what you want instead.

    If you want to fully disable the sidebar, yes, you can use the code snippet you mentioned. Please take a look at the code snippets documentation to know where to place those snippets.


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    # il y a 2 semaines et 2 jours


    You can use the Enhanced Files add-on for that, which will add new options in Settings > WP Customer Area > Private Files, to select file types for which you’dl like the client browser to attempt to open them directly into the browser.

    However, please note that opening files into the browser will only work on compatible browsers (depending on the file type).

    Web browsers won’t open word files (docx format), but will prompt the user to download the file instead.


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    # il y a 2 semaines et 6 jours


    We don’t have any live demo sorry.

    Before purchasing, we recommend you to:

    • try the free plugin
    • check our documentations and FAQs
    • check the products page and screenshots
    • check our refund policy
    • ask on the support about anything else you’d like to know about any addon on the forums


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    # il y a 3 semaines


    Unfortunately, this is not doable for now. “File downloaded” notifications depend on each attachment from a private file post. So, if you created a private file post with 30 files attached, and select the option “only the first time”, you’ll actually get up to 30 notifications.

    However, WP Customer Area is almost always extendable and this should probably be done by code.

    If you have few development skills, you could try solving this programmatically. Else I would recommend hiring a webdeveloper from your region. This kind of customiztaion request goes outside of our support scope, so we won’t be able to help more than giving a few tips:

    • you could create a custom code snippet and create a function bound to “cuar/private-content/files/on-download”, with a higher priority, and increment the download count for the clicked attachment
    • this means the notifications will then not be sent because the count would be 2, instead of 1

    Note that this code isn’t tested, but just written as a guideline example. Please do no try that on your live site.

     * Change the behavior of "only the first time" option (per attachment), to send only the first time per private file
     * post
     * @param int                   $post_id
     * @param int                   $user_id The user who downloaded the file
     * @param CUAR_PrivateFileAddOn $pf_addon
     * @param string                $file_id
    function wpca_send_file_download_notifications_once_per_post($post_id, $user_id, $pf_addon, $file_id)
    	$notification_id = 'private-file-downloaded';
    	$notif_settings = $this->no_addon->settings()->get_notification_params($notification_id);
    	 * if only the first time is activated,
    	 * - we'll loop through all attachments from the post if the current has its "download count" to 1 (= first time
    	 * downloading this attachment)
    	 * - If one of attachment already has a count >1, then we increment the download count of the file to 2
    	 * - next function sending emails will bypass sending notifications
    	if ($notif_settings['mode'] == 'first')
    		$attachments = $pf_addon->get_attached_files($post_id);
    		$count = $pf_addon->get_file_download_count($post_id, $file_id, $user_id);
    		if($count === 1)
    			foreach ($attachments as $attachment_id => $attachment_data)
    				$count = $pf_addon->get_file_download_count($post_id, $attachment_id, $user_id);
    				if ($count >= 1)
    					$pf_addon->increment_file_download_count($post_id, $file_id, $user_id);
    add_action('cuar/private-content/files/on-download','wpca_send_file_download_notifications_once_per_post', 5, 4);
    add_action('cuar/private-content/files/on-view', 'wpca_send_file_download_notifications_once_per_post', 5, 4);

    I hope that helps.


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    # il y a 3 semaines et 2 jours


    Customizing the frontend private area mainly relies on template. Please check our template system documentation: You’ll learn how to find the appropriate template, how to copy and edit it.

    For instance, if you’d like to completely remove the top area including all the tiles, this is what you should do:

    • The template file (for private files), is the following : customer-area/src/php/core-addons/customer-private-files/templates/customer-private-files-single-post-header.template.php
    • It contains the whole code used to display those stats and information on top of the page. So you can override it by creating the file wp-content/customer-area/templates/customer-private-files-single-post-header.template.php and by replacing it with the content below.
      Warning: please note that the path is wp-content/customer-area, and not wp-content/plugins/customer-area.
    /** Template version: 3.4.1
     * -= 3.4.1 =-
     * - Whole template deleted by user

    It is great to keep a comment block including the version number when you edit a template, so WPCA will warn if we update a template you overrided.

    Another example would be either adding or taking away fields for account details and editing account information.

    This part works a bit differently. You’ll need to create a custom plugin and add this code snippet.
    If you’d like to add (more complex) fields, we recommend using ACF and our ACF Integration add-on, which allows adding fields to private content and registration/login/account pages.

    Best regards.

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    # il y a 3 semaines et 3 jours

    in the tasks section, the tasks are shown chronologically

    Also, please note that by using the Front Office Publishing add-on, you’ll be able to reorder by drag and dropping them when editing the post (And probably also from the admin UI view, can’t verify that right now).

    If you change the code by following the above recommandations because you’d simply prefer ordering by date, drag and drop re-ordering won’t work anymore, and created date will be used (depending on what you chose and did into your code snippet).



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    # il y a 3 semaines et 3 jours

    And second question, how can we change the grey striped overlay ?

    If you’re talking about the gray stripped overlay that comes over the thumbnails images on the frontend collection views, those styles are just simple CSS. You could override this and customize as you’d like by customizing the CSS in your child theme’s CSS stylesheet and overriding our selectors/rules to adapt them to your needs.


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    # il y a 3 semaines et 3 jours


    tasks are shown chronologically (the last we’ve add is the first in the list)

    There’s no built-in or GUI way to do that, but you could, theorically, affect, via a standard WP code snippet, the query made to pull the tasks. WPCAs’ tasks are actually standard WP’s custom post types. It means that when you save a task, you’ll also save a “created date” data, that you can use to affect your query and display them accordingly. But take care that we also have a special field, displaying a calendar, that should allow you to select a due date, which would be a differrent date that the “created date”, if set. It would be up to you to adapt the code accordingly in case you also want to take it into account.

    However, if you don’t have any development skill to adapt that, we would recommend hiring a WP developer from your region, to create such a code snippet for you. If you can understand that a bit, we could recommend you to use the filter named “cuar/content-container/tasks/query-args/tasks-of-list” (file “customer-area-tasks/src/php/tasks/tasks-addon.class.php”, line 349), and create a custom plugin, including something like the following code snippet:

    function wpca_tasks_order_by_date($args) {
    $args['orderby'] = 'date';
    return $args;
    add_filter('cuar/content-container/tasks/query-args/tasks-of-list', 'wpca_tasks_order_by_date');
    • You could also affect the order by using the “order” parameter and setting it to “DESC”.
    • You could also affect the order by checking if a due date date is set, by using the “meta_query” WP_Query filters for the meta named “cuar_task_duedate”.

    However, this request is some kind of customization that goes outside of our support scope, and we won’t be able to provide on-demand code to specifically answer your request, but the above suggestions are the way to go and would be easy to implement for any WP developer.

    I hope that’ll helps.



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    # il y a 4 semaines

    By the way, post_max_size isn’t relevant in your case.

    If you’d like to use the classic uploader to upload large files, you should probably increase the max_execution_time and php_upload_limit values. But it is never recommended to do so that high on most servers.

    We recommend using the FTP upload method to upload large files, which should prevent you to increase those values, and unexpectidly allow some eventual scripts/pages from your site to be able to consume more ressources than expected, and lead your server to crash or to be unresponsive.


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