Access to files

      # 3 years, 8 months ago

      Hi support,


      I uploaded a private file (no specific owner assigned) and added a user with role contributor. The user group contributer has checked “View private files” and “View any private file” in permissions.

      The user does not see any files in the frontend.

      Do you have a hint for me?

      Best regards


    • Thomas
      # 3 years, 8 months ago


      Not sure I understand, you’re saying that you created a file without an owner assigned?

      “added a user with role contributor” -> Did you add one specific user or did you assign the post to the contributor role? Note that the additional owner types add-on is required to assign to a role.

      “View any private fileโ€ in permissions.”: you should not check this one, or your users will be able to see other’s contents if they are aware of their URLs.


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      # 3 years, 8 months ago

      Hi, trying to clarify, which is difficult as I dont see functionalyties clear โ€“ thats why I have to ask here.

      I uploaded a file. Assigned no user or an admin, no difference for my question.

      The “Client”-User has the role contributor.

      User “Client” does only see files when he is the owner.

      I want to have private files that al users in group contributer can access. Is there a way to do this?

      best regards


    • Thomas
      # 3 years, 8 months ago


      You actually need to assign someone.

      You can assign a user named “Client” or you can assign the role “Contributor” if you own the Advanced Owner Types add-on.

      In order to let post authors see their own post, you need to uncheck “hide posts where the current user is the author” in WP Customer Area settings, for each private content type.

      I hope that helps,



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    • Thomas
      # 3 years, 8 months ago

      Also, make sure you unchecked โ€œView any private fileโ€ in permissions.


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      # 3 years, 8 months ago

      ok, thanks for clarification. So the plugin cannot fullfill my simple task to give fileaccess only to logged-inย  users without paying for an addon.

      I’ll head for another solution then, thank you.

    • Thomas
      # 3 years, 8 months ago

      Yes, Giving permissions to “any Registered user” is provided by the Additional Owner Types add-on.


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