Authentication Forms capabilities

    • Lucian Sava
      # 10 months ago

      Hello, I’m currently using WP Customer area with two add on.

      I would buy Authentication Forms add on to add registration capabilities but I must be sure that each new user account shall be approved by Admin before activating th euser.

      Is this part of Authentication Forms add on?

      Is there available a detailed documentation including all funtionality?


    • Thomas
      # 10 months ago


      Is this part of Authentication Forms add on?

      No, WP Customer Area does not include that feature, but is actually using the standard WP Users system to handle registrations. It means it should be compatible with third-party plugins from the market handling that feature. You should be able to find plugins allowing you to moderate registrations (=validate them), before your users can access their account.

      I hope that helps.


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