Brizy Compatibility

    • wdtp
      # 1 year, 6 months ago

      I see you have integrations with Elementor and Divi. Any chance WP Customer Area could become compatible with the Brizy editor. Currently any WP Customer Area pages completely break the Brizy editor. Probably a Javascript incompatibility.

    • Thomas
      # 1 year, 6 months ago


      We never tried Brizy, but the main incompatibility with page builders (or any other third-party plugin), comes from CSS more than Javascript.

      The reason behind that is that CSS properties are being reset to default browser’s behaviors into the area. This helps the private area to be displayed the same way on each theme, no matter the way the theme is coded. The con is that it also prevent integration of third party plugins out-of-the-box, into the area.

      However, this can easily be fixed by using a code snippet which will disable our CSS resets. Depending on your theme, a few graphical glitches may appear there and there on the interface. We cannot prevent those for all existing theme, but, you’ll then be able to import page builder components into your private contents. I won’t say any component will work out of the box, without any issue, but they won’t be completly broken anymore 😉

      Check our code snippets documentation to learn where to place those code snippets.


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