Compatibility with Bootstrap 5 and WooCommerce

    • andrea.c
      # 2 years, 11 months ago


      I’m evaluating the use of WPCustomerArea into an existing project.

      Current website is based on WooCommerce and a custom theme developed with Bootstrap 5.

      I’d like to know the following:

      1. Can I entirely disable payments on WPCA?
      2. Can I continue using WooCommerce to sell digital access to pages and files provided by WPCA? Do I have to code the integration from scratch to let WPCA works with WooCommerce or are extensions already available?
      3. What Bootstrap version is WPCA based on? I think it’s 4.x but I need confirmation from you

      Thanks in advance




    • Vincent Mimoun-Prat
      # 2 years, 11 months ago


      1/ we do not handle payments so no problem here


      2/ both plugins can run side by side indeed. You would have to make your own integration though as we do not have any add-on for that

      3/ indeed we use bootstrap 4. You can however provide a different skin if needed (see our skin system documentation)

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