Hiding the list of users on a private file
Adam taylor
Participant# 7 months, 4 weeks agoHi, I’m using the Additional Owner Types add-on and would like to hide the list of users and which user groups that subscribers can see under the “Assigned To” header when inside a private file.
Clément Nicolas
Keymaster# 7 months, 4 weeks agoTemplates are the key to customizing the private area of the frontend. Please refer to our documentation on the template system: you’ll learn how to find the right template, copy it and modify it.
For example, if you want to delete the “Assigned to” thumbnails, here’s what you need to do:
– The template file (for the header of a private file) is: customer-area/src/php/core-addons/customer-private-files/templates/customer-private-files-single-post-header.template.php
– This contains all the code used to display these statistics and information at the top of the page. You can replace it by creating the file wp-content/customer-area/templates/customer-private-files-single-post-header.template.php and replacing it with the content below.
– Please note: the path is wp-content/customer-area, not wp-content/plugins/customer-area.
<?php /** Template version: 3.4.1 * * -= 3.4.1 =- * - Entire customized template * */ ?> <?php $pf_addon = cuar_addon('customer-private-files'); $po_addon = cuar_addon('post-owner'); $post_id = get_the_ID(); $date = get_the_date(); $date_month = get_the_date('m'); $date_year = get_the_date('Y'); $date_url_year = $pf_addon->get_date_archive_url($date_year); $date_url_month = $pf_addon->get_date_archive_url($date_year, $date_month); $categories = get_the_terms($post_id, 'cuar_private_file_category'); if ($categories) { $category_url = $pf_addon->get_category_archive_url($categories[0]); $category_name = $categories[0]->name; } $author_id = get_the_author_meta('ID'); $author_name = get_the_author_meta('display_name'); $author_email = get_the_author_meta('user_email'); $author_biography = get_the_author_meta('description'); $author_website = get_the_author_meta('user_url'); $author_avatar = get_avatar($author_email, 64); $author_url = $pf_addon->get_author_archive_url($author_id); $author_submenu_links = $po_addon->get_owner_submenu_links($author_id, 'usr'); ?> <div class="cuar-single-post-header row mb-md cuar-clearfix"> <div class="cuar-js-slick-responsive"> <?php do_action('cuar/private-content/view/carousel/before-author', $post_id); ?> <div class="cuar-author cuar-js-slick-slide-item slick-slide-item"> <div class="panel panel-tile cuar-panel-meta-tile"> <div class="panel-body"> <i class="fa fa-id-badge icon-bg"></i> <div class="cuar-meta-label"> <span><?php _e('Author', 'cuar'); ?></span> </div> <div class="cuar-meta-value"> <div class="cuar-panel-meta-tile-sub-head mb5"> <?php if ($author_avatar) : ?> <div class="cuar-panel-meta-tile-avatar pull-left mr-xs"> <?php echo $author_avatar; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <span class="cuar-meta-tile-info"> <?php echo $author_name; ?> </span> </div> <div class="cuar-panel-meta-tile-links"> <?php if ($author_website) : ?> <div class="cuar-author-website cuar-meta-link mr5 pull-left"> <a href="<?php echo esc_url($author_website); ?>" class="btn btn-xs btn-default" target="_BLANK" title="<?php echo esc_attr(sprintf(__('Show %s\'s website', 'cuar'), $author_name)); ?>"> <i class="fa fa-link pn"></i> </a> </div> <?php endif; ?> <div class="cuar-author-archives-url cuar-meta-link mr5 pull-left"> <a href="<?php echo esc_url($author_url); ?>" class="btn btn-xs btn-default" title="<?php echo esc_attr(sprintf(__('Show all similar contents from %s', 'cuar'), $author_name)); ?>"> <i class="fa fa-th-list pn"></i> </a> </div> <?php if ($author_submenu_links) { ?> <div class="cuar-author-more cuar-js-dropdown-in-overflow cuar-meta-link mr5 pull-left"> <a href="#" class="btn btn-xs btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> <i class="fa fa-ellipsis-h pn"></i> <?php _e('More', 'cuar'); ?> </a> <ul class="cuar-js-dropdown-in-overflow-menu dropdown-menu"> <?php foreach ($author_submenu_links as $author_link) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo esc_url($author_link['url']); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr($author_link['tooltip']); ?>" class="<?php echo esc_attr($author_link['extra_class']); ?>"> <?php echo $author_link['title']; ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php do_action('cuar/private-content/view/carousel/before-date', $post_id); ?> <div class="cuar-date cuar-js-slick-slide-item slick-slide-item"> <div class="panel panel-tile cuar-panel-meta-tile"> <div class="panel-body"> <i class="fa fa-calendar icon-bg"></i> <div class="cuar-meta-label"> <span> <?php _e('Date', 'cuar'); ?> </span> </div> <div class="cuar-meta-value"> <div class="cuar-panel-meta-tile-sub-head mb5"> <span class="cuar-meta-tile-info"> <?php echo $date; ?> </span> </div> <div class="cuar-panel-meta-tile-links"> <div class="cuar-date-month cuar-meta-link mr5 pull-left"> <a href="<?php echo esc_url($date_url_month); ?>" class="btn btn-xs btn-default" title="<?php echo esc_attr(sprintf(__('Show all similar contents published in %2$s %1$s', 'cuar'), $date_year, $date_month)); ?>"> <i class="fa fa-calendar pn"></i> <?php _e('Month archives', 'cuar'); ?> </a> </div> <div class="cuar-date-year cuar-meta-link mr5 pull-left"> <a href="<?php echo esc_url($date_url_year); ?>" class="btn btn-xs btn-default" title="<?php echo esc_attr(sprintf(__('Show all similar contents published in %1$s', 'cuar'), $date_year)); ?>"> <i class="fa fa-calendar-o pn"></i> <?php _e('Year archives', 'cuar'); ?> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php do_action('cuar/private-content/view/carousel/before-category', $post_id); ?> <?php if ($categories) { ?> <div class="cuar-category cuar-js-slick-slide-item slick-slide-item"> <div class="panel panel-tile cuar-panel-meta-tile"> <div class="panel-body"> <i class="fa fa-tag icon-bg"></i> <div class="cuar-meta-label"> <span> <?php _e('Category', 'cuar'); ?> </span> </div> <div class="cuar-meta-value"> <div class="cuar-panel-meta-tile-sub-head mb5"> <span class="cuar-meta-tile-info"> <?php _e('Posted in', 'cuar') ?> </span> </div> <div class="cuar-panel-meta-tile-links"> <div class="cuar-category-link cuar-meta-link mr5 pull-left"> <a href="<?php echo esc_url($category_url); ?>" class="btn btn-xs btn-default" title="<?php echo esc_attr(sprintf(__('Show all similar contents published in category: %1$s', 'cuar'), $category_name)); ?>"> <i class="fa fa-tag pn"></i> <?php echo $category_name; ?> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php do_action('cuar/private-content/view/carousel/before-owners', $post_id); ?> <?php do_action('cuar/private-content/view/carousel/after-owners', $post_id); ?> </div> </div> ?>
It’s a good idea to keep a comment block including the version number when you edit a template, so WPCA will be notified if we update a template you’ve replaced.
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