How Do I Add Private Page To Menu?

    • jchorba14
      # 1 year ago

      I am at a loss on what to do here. Let me explain what I want to do and hopefully someone can point me in the right direction…

      1. I have a guitar lessons website.
      2. I have used WP Customer Area to create private pages for each of my students where I can post specific content / assignments
      3. I would like to add this portal page to a menu, so that when the student logs in, they can jump right to their portal.
      4. I have no idea how to do this. When I go to Appearance > Menus and try to edit/add these pages to a menu, there is no option to do so.
      5. Obviously these are private pages, so I only want the specific user to have access to their specific page

      Can anyone help with this?

    • Thomas
      # 1 year ago


      I would like to add this portal page to a menu, so that when the student logs in, they can jump right to their portal.

      You can add a menu item to your primary menu by addin the “Customer Area” page to it into Admin > Appearrence > Menus.

      After logging-in, your users should by default automatically redirected to their frontend Private Area.

      I have no idea how to do this. When I go to Appearance > Menus and try to edit/add these pages to a menu, there is no option to do so.

      Adding menu items is not specific to our plugins, but to WordPress. You’ll find many tutorials on the web to do that. But you basically need to first select your primary menu in the “locations” tab, edit it, and then select the page named “Customer Area”. Drag and drop it to your menu and save.

      Obviously these are private pages, so I only want the specific user to have access to their specific page

      You can in that case add the “My pages” page as the menu item and they’ll get access to their private pages’ listing by clicking that menu item.


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