How to add image on private page ?

    • Jonathan THOMAS
      # 2 years ago

      Hi everyone 🙂

      How to add a featured image on private page AND add images or Pdf into the content please ?
      (for front-office user)

      Thanks a lot.


    • Thomas
      # 2 years ago


      On private pages, if you are using the Front Office Publishing add-on, you can enable the frontend rich-editor in Settings > WP Customer Area > Private Pages. Then, when editing a post from the frontend, you’ll see an “image” icon from the toolbar, that will allow you to upload images directly into the content.

      If you’re not using the add-on, you can upload any media from the backend using the standard WP Upload features. However, please note that in that case, your medias will be uploaded in the wp-content/uploads directory, which is not as secure as our storage folder if you properly secured it.

      Uploading PDF files into private pages is currently not possible directly from the frontend. In that case, we would recommend using the Projects add-on, which can act as a wrapper where you can include both private pages and private files. You could also rename “Projects” to anything that better suit your needs.


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