How to organize file and page categories?

    • Jose Blanco Garcia
      # 9 months, 1 week ago

      How to organize the categories of files and pages? Sometimes I would like to modify the established order.

    • Clément Nicolas
      # 9 months ago

      Hi Jose,

      To organize categories of files and pages on WordPress:

      Go to “Posts” > “Categories”.
      Add, edit, or delete categories as needed.
      Use plugins like “Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order” to reorder categories by drag-and-drop.



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    • Jose Blanco Garcia
      # 9 months ago

      Hello, thank you very much for your response. I have installed the plugin, but I can’t find a way to drag the categories and organize them as I want. Is it possible that I need to recreate the categories for the plugin to work? If I delete the categories, will I lose the files associated with them?

      Thank you very much, best regards.

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