How to share an existing page privately with specific users?

      # 2 months ago


      I would like to know if it’s possible to share an existing page on my website (built with Divi) privately. I create pages with photo galleries that I would like to share only with the participants related to those photos. Is there a way to grant specific user access to an existing page, rather than creating a new private page?

      Thank you in advance for your help!


    • Thomas
      # 2 months ago


      Best way and simplest way would be to create a private page. Even if you could use the Protect Post Types add-on to add an Owner Assignation box to your pages, in order to select an owner, this add-on is not recommended to be used for standard post_types such as Posts or Pages, but is best suited for Post Types you created yourself. The reason behind this is that WordPress or many plugins will by default manipulate those post types, and WP Customer Area won’t be able to make it private by itself. For instance, by default, your pages and their content will be populated into your RSS feeds, and will make them readable from anyone. This wouldn’t be what you mean by “privately sharing”.

      Also, keep in mind that even if you create a private page, WP Customer Area cannot fully protect the photo galleries you’ll insert into those pages by using the DIVI content builder, or even the WP Media upload gallery.
      Any media that you’ll upload this way will be stored in the wp-content/uploads folder on your FTP, and medias will be loaded via a direct HTTP url. When you upload an attachment file to a private file, this is not happening especially if you properly secured your file storage folder. Those files can’t be accessed by any direct HTTP url, which means an user have to be logged-in to be able to download the image. For medias uploaded from the DIVI page builder, anyone being aware of the direct URLs of the medias inserted in those private content would be able to view/download them without the need to be connected to its account.

      I hope that makes sense.


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