Issue in filtering Private Archives using advanced filtering options

    • produccion
      # 3 years, 5 months ago

      Hello there,
      I am a premium user of the plugin, I currently have WP Customer Area installed on my website and the addons WP Customer Area – Enhanced Files and WP Customer Area – Switch Users.

      I have identified a bug and I would like to share it in this way so that it can be resolved as soon as possible with an update of the plugin, since it affects me daily in my workflow.

      In the search filter for private files, after executing several searches applying the filters, an HTTP error of type 414 occurs on the web. This is due to the fact that with each request the parameters are being concatenated to the URL again, overflowing the maximum input that my server supports.

      Awaiting your comments,
      All the best

    • Thomas
      # 3 years, 5 months ago


      The best and shortest solution would be to raise up your PHP settings, especially MAX_INPUT_VARS and POST_MAX_SIZE, so your server can handle queries based on URL arguments.


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