It’s not possible to reply to a conversation

    • DSC
      # 2 years, 10 months ago


      I do have a problem with an older version of the add-on “Conversation”.

      It is possible for me to create a conversation, but it is not possible to rely to the conversation, neither as admin, nor as the user who created the conversation, nor as the target-user of the conversation.

      When I try to reply to a conversation the following error occurs:
      Uncaught TypeError: Cannot create property ‘guid’ on string ‘.cuar-js-dismiss’ jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2

      The error is triggered in the file customer-area-conversations.min.js?ver=4.3.4:1.

      The plugin version installed is “Customer Area v7.8.6”. The Add-on version installed is “WP Customer Area – Conversations v4.3.4”. The other add-ons work just fine with this version of the plugin.

      Is it possible that a different version of jQuery is required to work properly with this older version of the add-on for your plugin?

      The submit button for the reply to a conversation is always “disabled”. I also tried to manually un-disable it using the browser’s web-development tools, but there is no reaction when I try to post a reply to a conversation.

      Any ideas why that is?


    • Thomas
      # 2 years, 9 months ago


      What are the versions you are using, please?

      Is it possible that a different version of jQuery is required to work properly with this older version of the add-on for your plugin?

      Yes, especially because WP updated jQuery 2 years ago.


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    • DSC
      # 2 years, 9 months ago

      Sorry for the belated reply.

      Here are the relevant versions:

      – WordPress v5.9.3
      – WP Customer Area v7.8.6
      – WP Customer Area – Conversations v4.3.4

      Here are jQuery related files that are being loaded on the website:


      Do you think it is necessary to load an older version of jQuery in order to get “WPCA – Conversations” working?

    • Thomas
      # 2 years, 9 months ago


      Do you think it is necessary to load an older version of jQuery in order to get “WPCA – Conversations” working?

      Sincerely, the best (and only) way to get any WPCA add-on fully working is to update WP Customer Area and its add-ons to the latest versions. We can’t provide support for outdated versions and explain to you how to fix the issues we fixed in the last releases.
      Also, WP Customer Area 8.x.x is now required to get add-ons updates because we rebuilt our shop since this release.

      Also, we updated our scripts to match jQuery’s update from WP, so I can’t be sure that they will work if you load an older version. And I really don’t think so.


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    • DSC
      # 2 years, 9 months ago

      Thank you for your explanation.

      I have already explained the license issue to the client I work for.

      For the time being I will deactivate WPCA Conversation on his website since it is not essential for his purposes. But if he decides to add more functions to the private users of his website, I will remind him again about buying a new license to get this plugin up-to-date.

      You can consider this topic closed.


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