Migrating WPCustomerArea to a new site

    • NoahK
      # 3 months, 4 weeks ago

      Recently redesigned a site for a client that is using WPCustomArea.

      What is the recommend solution for migrating all of the WPCustomArea user accounts, files, and pages to the new site?

    • Imanol Salaberry
      # 3 months, 3 weeks ago


      We are using regular WordPress tables.

      Users are regular WP users (wp_users table).

      Our private posts are regular WP posts (wp_posts table, the ones with post_type starting with « cuar_ »)

      And the rest is just options and meta (user_meta and post_meta).

      As a consequence, any decent migration tool should be fine to do the job. For instance WP Migrate DB.


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