Single User Reserved Area
Participant# 10 months agoGreetings. We would like to know whether each member can have their own reserved area visible only to themselves or the administrator and whether the user can upload files such as documents or other. If so, which add-on should we purchase?
Keymaster# 10 months agoHello,
We would like to know whether each member can have their own reserved area visible only to themselves or the administrator
I am not sure I correctly understand your request. WP Customer Area actually shows a reserved area, specific to the currently connected user. This means only this currently connected user should be able to see and access its own documents. Providing a private area for each one of your members is basically what WP Customer Area does.
whether the user can upload files such as documents or other. If so, which add-on should we purchase?
We would recommend
- trying the free base plugin from
- checking if it works correctly and integrate smoothly with your site
- checking our documentations and use cases
- checking additional add-ons such as
- the Front Office Publishing add-on, which would allow your users to post by themselves
- the Additional Owner Types add-on, which would add more flexibility for assignees
- checking our others add-ons, since they can add useful features, depending on your use case
I hope that helps.
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Participant# 9 months, 3 weeks agoWith the “Front Office Publishing” add-on, can the User upload files to his private Area and are these files visible only to the User himself and Admin?
Keymaster# 9 months, 3 weeks agoHello,
With the “Front Office Publishing” add-on, can the User upload files to his private Area
Yes, this is what the Front Office Publishing add-on does.
are these files visible only to the User himself and Admin?
It looks like you are trying to only allow your users to publish private content for the admin. In this case, we recommend installing the add-on, then:
- For each private content, you can set a “default owner” in Settings > WP Customer Area > Private Files/Pages
- In Settings > WP Customer Area > Capabilities > Private Files/Pages, disable the permission to “select an owner” for your subscribers.
This will disable and hide the step that allow your users to select an owner when publishing a file from the frontend. So, any file he will publish will be assigned to the admin as owner of the post, and the user who published will be author of the post, making this post visible for them only.
The admin, however, will still be able to select an owner (like one of the subscriber), when publishing a post.Regards.
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