Upload unique pay stubs and certifications

    • # 2 months ago

      I wanted to know if it was possible to create or add a function that was important to me:

      1. Upload the single file provided by the consultant with all the unique pay stubs and certifications

      2. File processing and files that are not payroll or CU will be ignored by the system automatically.

      3. Enter each unique payslip or certification into the individual user you created

    • Thomas
      # 2 months ago


      Sorry, but I do not understand your request.

      1. Upload the single file provided by the consultant with all the unique pay stubs and certifications

      I don’t know what you call “unique pay stubs and certifications”. Cannot actually help about that, sorry.

      2. File processing and files that are not payroll or CU will be ignored by the system automatically.

      “files that are not payroll or CU” -> same.

      3. Enter each unique payslip or certification into the individual user you created

      “Enter each unique payslip or certification” -> same.

      From what I can read there, the anwser would be: No, certainly not out of the box. BUT, probably yes, by programmatically extending WPCA and its functions, and by creating a custom plugin and some code snippets. But unfortunately, we cannot provide that much assitance for such a customization request. We can however help you technically, in case your developers need guidance about the classes and functions required to achieve what they want.


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    • # 2 months ago

      OK very kind.

      I wanted one last bit of help. I purchased two extensions but having uninstalled the site to install it again it doesn’t recognize the two license keys. How can I do it. Thank you

    • # 2 months ago

      Here is a screenshot

    • Thomas
      # 2 months ago


      I purchased two extensions but having uninstalled the site to install it again it doesnโ€™t recognize the two license keys

      I would first recommend to remove the actual enabled sites in Account > API Keys

      Then, make sure that you select the actual key from the API Keys page, the corresponding product ID, and click activate.


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      • # 2 months ago
        Even though I enter the API keys it always gives me the same error, telling me that they have been used
    • Thomas
      # 1 month, 4 weeks ago


      It seems that you omitted that part?

      I would first recommend to remove the actual enabled sites inย Account > API Keys

      I deleted the current sites’ activations for you.

      Please try again.


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