WP Customer Area – Front-office publishing not work

    • Jonathan Kidson
      # 1 year, 9 months ago



      I have the WP Customer Area – Front-office publishing plugin

      I can not assign the pages to the clients




    • Thomas
      # 1 year, 9 months ago


      I think those last 3 lines prevents Javascript to properly work (it is actually crashing).

      Thoses errors are not coming from our plugin but prevent it to work. You’ll need to figure where it comes from. I would recommend that you :

      • check for a plugin conflict (disable all plugins and see if the issue still persists. If not, reactivate them on by one and test each time)
      • check for a theme conflict (switch to our WPCA-twenty-twelve theme) for testing purposes.
      • on the console tab, click on the link (index:529), and you’ll see the part of the javascript code injected into the page that lead Javascript to crash. Take a screenshot and upload that file there.

      However, I am pretty sure that the first step should make the issue disappear, and therefore lead you to the plugin or theme’s feature which is causing Javascript to crash.


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