Community Forum

Forum Replies Created

  • Eduardo Cruz
    # 1 year, 1 month ago

    The network panel shows no info response. See attachment

    No red errors on the console. Some info from the customer-area.min.js


    e.<computed> {0: tr.cuar-js-file-attachment.cuar-js-state-pending, length: 1, prevObject: e.<computed>}0: tr.cuar-js-file-attachment.cuar-js-state-pendingjQuery3710020364016861598612: undefinedjQuery3710020364016861598611: undefinedaccessKey: “”align: “”ariaAtomic: nullariaAutoComplete: nullariaBrailleLabel: nullariaBrailleRoleDescription: nullariaBusy: nullariaChecked: nullariaColCount: nullariaColIndex: nullariaColSpan: nullariaCurrent: nullariaDescription: nullariaDisabled: nullariaExpanded: nullariaHasPopup: nullariaHidden: nullariaInvalid: nullariaKeyShortcuts: nullariaLabel: nullariaLevel: nullariaLive: nullariaModal: nullariaMultiLine: nullariaMultiSelectable: nullariaOrientation: nullariaPlaceholder: nullariaPosInSet: nullariaPressed: nullariaReadOnly: nullariaRelevant: nullariaRequired: nullariaRoleDescription: nullariaRowCount: nullariaRowIndex: nullariaRowSpan: nullariaSelected: nullariaSetSize: nullariaSort: nullariaValueMax: nullariaValueMin: nullariaValueNow: nullariaValueText: nullassignedSlot: nullattributeStyleMap: StylePropertyMap {size: 1}attributes: NamedNodeMap {0: class, 1: data-post-id, 2: data-filename, 3: style, class: class, data-post-id: data-post-id, data-filename: data-filename, style: style, length: 4}autocapitalize: “”autofocus: falsebaseURI: “”bgColor: “”cells: HTMLCollection(3) [td.cuar-js-caption, td.text-right.cuar-js-actions, td.progress.cuar-js-progress]ch: “”chOff: “”childElementCount: 3childNodes: NodeList(7) [text, td.cuar-js-caption, text, td.text-right.cuar-js-actions, text, td.progress.cuar-js-progress, text]children: HTMLCollection(3) [td.cuar-js-caption, td.text-right.cuar-js-actions, td.progress.cuar-js-progress]classList: DOMTokenList(2) [‘cuar-js-file-attachment’, ‘cuar-js-state-pending’, value: ‘cuar-js-file-attachment cuar-js-state-pending’]className: “cuar-js-file-attachment cuar-js-state-pending”clientHeight: 0clientLeft: 0clientTop: 0clientWidth: 0contentEditable: “inherit”dataset: DOMStringMap {postId: ‘257’, filename: ”}dir: “”draggable: falseelementTiming: “”enterKeyHint: “”firstChild: textfirstElementChild: td.cuar-js-captionhidden: falseid: “”inert: falseinnerHTML: “\n\n \n


    \n\n \n

    \n \n Eliminar\n



    \n 100%\n


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    \n\n \n


    \n\n \n

    \n \n Eliminar\n



    \n 100%\n



    “outerText: “\n\n \n logo-lectura-facil.jpg\n\n \n \n \n Eliminar\n \n \n \n 100%\n \n \n”ownerDocument: documentparentElement: nullparentNode: nullpart: DOMTokenList [value: ”]popover: nullprefix: nullpreviousElementSibling: nullpreviousSibling: nullrole: nullrowIndex: -1scrollHeight: 0scrollLeft: 0scrollTop: 0scrollWidth: 0sectionRowIndex: -1shadowRoot: nullslot: “”spellcheck: truestyle: CSSStyleDeclaration {0: ‘display’, accentColor: ”, additiveSymbols: ”, alignContent: ”, alignItems: ”, alignSelf: ”, …}tabIndex: -1tagName: “TR”textContent: “\n\n \n logo-lectura-facil.jpg\n\n \n \n \n Eliminar\n \n \n \n 100%\n \n \n”title: “”translate: truevAlign: “”virtualKeyboardPolicy: “”[[Prototype]]: HTMLTableRowElement(…)length: 1prevObject: e.<computed> {0: tr.cuar-js-file-attachment, length: 1, prevObject: e.<computed>}0: tr.cuar-js-file-attachmentlength: 1prevObject: e.<computed> {0: tr.cuar-js-file-attachment, length: 1, prevObject: e.<computed>}[[Prototype]]: Object[[Prototype]]: Objectadd: ƒ (e,t)addBack: ƒ (e)addClass: ƒ (t)addDropCap: ƒ (e)addressManager: ƒ (t)adminpanel: ƒ (r)affix: ƒ i(i)after: ƒ ()ajaxComplete: ƒ (e)ajaxError: ƒ (e)ajaxSend: ƒ (e)ajaxStart: ƒ (e)ajaxStop: ƒ (e)ajaxSuccess: ƒ (e)alert: ƒ (a)andSelf: ƒ ()animate: ƒ (t,e,n,r)append: ƒ ()appendTo: ƒ (e)attr: ƒ (e,t)before: ƒ ()bind: ƒ ()bindCountryStateInputs: ƒ (t)blur: ƒ ()button: ƒ n(n)centerImages: ƒ (e)change: ƒ ()children: ƒ (e,t)classicUploader: ƒ (t)clearQueue: ƒ (e)click: ƒ ()clone: ƒ (e,t)closest: ƒ (e,t)collapse: ƒ o(n)constructor: ƒ (e,t)contents: ƒ (e,t)contextmenu: ƒ ()css: ƒ ()cuarSelect2: ƒ (t)czrCollapse: ƒ (n)czrDropdown: ƒ (t)czrFitText: ƒ (e,t)czrParallax: ƒ (e)czrTab: ƒ (i)data: ƒ (n,e)dblclick: ƒ ()delay: ƒ (r,e)delegate: ƒ ()dequeue: ƒ (e)destroyMfpFastClick: ƒ ()detach: ƒ (e)disableSelection: ƒ ()draggable: ƒ (i)dropdown: ƒ (e)droppable: ƒ (i)each: ƒ (e)empty: ƒ ()emulateTransitionEnd: ƒ e(e)enableSelection: ƒ ()end: ƒ ()eq: ƒ (e)error: ƒ ()even: ƒ ()extLinks: ƒ (e)extend: ƒ ()fadeIn: ƒ (e,t,n)fadeOut: ƒ (e,t,n)fadeTo: ƒ (e,t,n,r)fadeToggle: ƒ (e,t,n)fileAttachmentManager: ƒ (t)fileupload: ƒ (i)filter: ƒ (e)find: ƒ (e)finish: ƒ (a)first: ƒ ()firstScrollable: ƒ (t)focus: ƒ ()focusin: ƒ ()focusout: ƒ ()ftpUploader: ƒ (t)gatewayPicker: ƒ (t)get: ƒ (e)has: ƒ (e)hasClass: ƒ (e)hasScrollBar: ƒ ()height: ƒ (e,t)hide: ƒ (e,t,n)hover: ƒ ()hoverIntent: ƒ (t,e,n)html: ƒ (e)imgSmartLoad: ƒ (e)index: ƒ (e)init: ƒ ()innerHeight: ƒ (e,t)innerWidth: ƒ (e,t)insertAfter: ƒ (e)insertBefore: ƒ (e)is: ƒ (e)jquery: “3.7.1”keydown: ƒ ()keypress: ƒ ()keyup: ƒ ()labels: ƒ ()last: ƒ ()length: 0load: ƒ ()magnificPopup: ƒ (n)map: ƒ (n)mfpFastClick: ƒ (o)mixItUp: ƒ ()modal: ƒ i(s,i)moove_gdpr_lightbox_close: ƒ (o)moove_gdpr_lightbox_open: ƒ (o)moove_gdpr_read_cookies: ƒ (e)moove_gdpr_save_cookie: ƒ (o)mouse: ƒ (i)mousedown: ƒ ()mouseenter: ƒ ()mouseleave: ƒ ()mousemove: ƒ ()mouseout: ƒ ()mouseover: ƒ ()mouseup: ƒ ()mousewheel: ƒ (t)multiselect: ƒ (e,n,o)next: ƒ (e,t)nextAll: ƒ (e,t)nextUntil: ƒ (e,t)not: ƒ (e)odd: ƒ ()off: ƒ (e,t,n)offset: ƒ ()offsetParent: ƒ ()on: ƒ (e,t,n,r)one: ƒ (e,t,n,r)originalHeight: ƒ ()originalWidth: ƒ ()outerHeight: ƒ (e,t)outerWidth: ƒ (e,t)parent: ƒ (e,t)parents: ƒ (e,t)parentsUntil: ƒ (e,t)popover: ƒ (e)position: ƒ (f)prepend: ƒ ()prependTo: ƒ (e)prev: ƒ (e,t)prevAll: ƒ (e,t)prevUntil: ƒ (e,t)promise: ƒ (e,t)prop: ƒ (e,t)push: ƒ push()pushStack: ƒ (e)queue: ƒ (t,n)ready: ƒ (e)remove: ƒ (e)removeAttr: ƒ ()removeClass: ƒ (t)removeData: ƒ (e)removeProp: ƒ (e)removeStyle: ƒ (c,d)removeUniqueId: ƒ ()replaceAll: ƒ (e)replaceWith: ƒ ()resize: ƒ ()scroll: ƒ ()scrollLeft: ƒ (e)scrollLock: ƒ (t,e,s)scrollParent: ƒ (t)scrollTop: ƒ (e)scrollable: ƒ (t)scroller: ƒ (t)scrollspy: ƒ s(e)select: ƒ ()select2: ƒ (t)serialize: ƒ ()serializeArray: ƒ ()show: ƒ (e,t,n)siblings: ƒ (e,t)size: ƒ ()slice: ƒ ()slideDown: ƒ (e,t,n)slideToggle: ƒ (e,t,n)slideUp: ƒ (e,t,n)smoothScroll: ƒ (t,e)sort: ƒ sort()sortable: ƒ (i)splice: ƒ splice()steps: ƒ (e)stop: ƒ (i,e,o)submit: ƒ ()summernote: ƒ ()tab: ƒ a(e)text: ƒ (e)toArray: ƒ ()toggle: ƒ (e,t,n)toggleClass: ƒ ()tooltip: ƒ (o)trigger: ƒ (e,t)triggerHandler: ƒ (e,t)unbind: ƒ ()undelegate: ƒ ()uniqueId: ƒ ()uniqueSort: ƒ ()unload: ƒ ()unmousewheel: ƒ (t)unwrap: ƒ (e)val: ƒ (n)waypoint: ƒ ()width: ƒ (e,t)wrap: ƒ (t)wrapAll: ƒ (e)wrapInner: ƒ (n)_aria: ƒ (e,t)_enableAria: ƒ (e)_form: ƒ ()_id: ƒ (e)_removeAria: ƒ (e)_selectAria: ƒ (e)_showAria: ƒ (e)Symbol(Symbol.iterator): ƒ values()[[Prototype]]: Object(…)
    customer-area.min.js?ver=8.2.0:1 true

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