If you can only see the description block for private files, or even for tasklists, it’s probably because you need to check the checkbox in Settings
-> WP Customer Area -> {content type} -> Frontend Integration
-> Show after post - Show additional information before and after the
post in the single post view
(where {content type}
can be private files, private pages, conversations, etc.)
By default, WP Customer Area displays only the contents assigned to the current connected user. However, in some cases, you’ll probably also want to display the contents created by the current connected user (means contents where the current connected user is the author).
This can be done by unchecking the checkbox in Settings -> WP
Customer Area -> {content type} -> Frontend Integration ->
Content Queries - Hide contents created by the current connected user
for listings
(where {content type}
can be private files, private pages, conversations, etc.)
The pages marked as private in WordPress offer very limited functionality. WP Customer Area has a very extensive set of permissions to control who does what in a very precise way.
You can use both depending on your needs (and those of your client).
Note that it is possible to disable the private pages of WP Customer Area from the settings.
You must install the WP Customer Area add-on Additional owner types and assign your content to each and every WordPress role. This way, all users of your site will be able to view this private content.
Usually this is because you did not follow the getting started tutorial till the end or you skipped some part of it. Most of the time, you forgot to give the subscriber role the capability to view private pages or private files.
Yes, since version 6.2, you can tag your menu items with CSS classes which will be analysed by the plugin.
- If you want to hide a menu item from guest users, simply add it the class wpca-logged-only.
- If you want to hide a menu item from logged-in users, simply add it the class wpca-guest-only.
To know how to add a CSS class to a menu item in WordPress, please refer to the wordpress.com documentation on that topic.
By default, WordPress does not allow you to upload any type of file. For example Excel or Word files will be rejected. This has nothing to do with WP Customer Area and can fortunatly be adjusted easily.
- Either with a plugin, for example: https://wordpress.org/plugins/manage-upload-types/ (free)
- Or with some PHP code. For instance: http://blog.chrismeller.com/modifying-allowed-upload-types-in-wordpress
The base WP Customer Area plugin allows to create private file documents which can receive a single file attachment. With the Enhanced Files add-on, you can add as many attachments as you want to a single private file document.